Jarak tanam kacang tanah
Jarak tanam kacang tanah

Fifth, 20 cm x 30 cm and 20 cm x 40 cm spacing gave the same groundnut yield, but it gave a significant difference with 20 cm x 20 cm spacing. Third, weeding frequency and spacing had no effect on nett assimilation rate, plant growth rate and leaf area index.įourth, weeding frequency and interaction both of treatment had no effect on groundnut yield. Second, 20 cm x 30 cm and 20 cm x 40 cm spacing affected the weed domination, changing from sedges to gramineae. First, weeding frequency and spacing affected the weed composition at 3 weeks after planting and before harvest. The findings of the study show the following conclusions. Pengaruh jarak tanam dan sistim pembumbunan terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kacang tanah ( arachis hypogaea l.). Intensitas penutup tanah Arachis pintoi dan inokulasi Rhizobium serta penambahan fosfor dan pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kakao dan status hara di Lapangan. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for all data observed and followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5%. Kacang hias (Arachis pintoi) pada usaha tani lahan kering. The observation includes weed, growth component and yield of groundnut. Spacing is the second factor (J) consisting of three levels: 20 cm x 20 cm (j1), 20 cm x 30 cm (j2) dan 20 cm x 40 cm (j3). The first factor is the weeding frequency (P) consisting of three levels: no weeding (p0), one weeding at 3 weeks after planting (p1), two weedings at 3 and 6 weeks after planting (p2). The 3 x 3 factorial field experiment was conducted with a Randomized Completed Block Design (RCBD) of three replications. An experiment was conducted at Field Experiment of Agriculture Faculty of Muria Kudus University from March up to July, 2010.

jarak tanam kacang tanah

The objective of the study is to analyze groundnut growth and weeds composition change on different weeding frequencies and spacings of groundnut.

Jarak tanam kacang tanah